Shout Out – Week 37
Scott-Safe ⚖️ shout out 🎙week 37 ☑️ 37 symbolizes force 😉 37, normal human body temperature in Celsius, ideal temperature for baby feeding bottles, number of skeletal muscles that move the hand, number of seconds that elapsed between the iceberg sighting and collision with the Titanic, time in seconds the Hindenburg burnt in 1937, add this to the number of chirps a cricket makes in 15 seconds and you get the temperature in Fahrenheit, dollar share price Yahoo wanted from Microsoft for a sale (didn’t happen) 🤔 in a group of 37 people at least two will have the same birth dates 😜 baseball fans that ‘green monster’ at Fenway is… yes 37 feet tall 😆 REMEMBER… two things in life you have total control over, your attitude and your effort 👊🏻 Congratulations Vincent, 14 years with the Company ☕️🍰 QUOTE ‘Small steps in the right direction are better than big steps in the wrong direction’ 💪 Make a positive difference daily, you know I will 👍 Hamba Kahle 🖐 regards Rodney