Greetings to the Scott-Safe Team and Joint Venture Partners
COVID-19 Pandemic
The subject line was a quote by Confucius, he was right, one thing certain things will change, and change they are
The COVID-19 Pandemic has caused major losses worldwide and left many millions of people destitute
For us, not as extensive as most but still a hiccup in our normal operation
We are fortunate and must be very grateful
We have however been proactive and moved with the disaster and its outcomes
We have reviewed the way we operate and have done away with most things that we can do without
All in all I believe we have come out on top by streamlining the business and becoming more cost efficient
28 Years in Business
This is our month end week and our 28th Anniversary in business
I see this as a ‘new era’ for Scott-Safe with many new opportunities presenting themselves and a time to clear out the old
Here’s what’s happening within our Company
We are essentially back in business and have been since our last month end on Friday 1 May 2020
Crazy to say but our saving grace and ‘ball roller’ is the COVID-19 ‘Return to Work’ Bio Risk Assessment service we have offered to all of our contract clients
This service is being promoted by Sales to various other prospects Nationwide
Attached to this service is the COVID-19 Home Safe online program, developed as a Joint Venture with Nikolaus Eberl, again being sold to Company’s who have all those employees working from home
We have done a Joint Venture with Frogg Productions who in association with us have produced an amazing COVID-19 Edu Tainment video and poster series, it’s frigging awesome, you will receive the demo link shortly
For smaller Company’s and those who have multiple branches Nationwide we have developed a COVID-19 Comply Online program with Nikolaus Eberl where responsible line managers can access COVID-19 information, conduct a ‘self’ Bio Risk Assessment and have access to an electronic COVID-19 Symptom Incident Report, magic
Occupational Safety Training Academy
Our Educational Training Academy has gone through extensive revision, no more ‘in class’ courses, all courses converted to correspondence ‘online’
This includes OHS Reps, First Aid, Fire and Fall Risk
On registration the delegates receive their course material by email, this is the followed up with a three hour ZOOM live video presentation from the Frogg Productions Studio (the JV people) in Honeydew
The first one runs tomorrow Monday 25 May 2020 at 12h30
Delegates have the opportunity to raise questions by email, questions are reviewed and answered on a one hour ZOOM live video presentation
The delegates then complete and submit their competency evaluation for marking, all successful delegates receive a certificate
Practicals are conducted by Agents doing one on one coaching whilst on site with their clients
Right now all delegates receive a ‘free’ COVID-19 Protocol for their specific function
We can now put any number of people on our courses from anywhere in the country
OMG this is awesome… because I get to do the first half hour Introduction to all courses on the ZOOM live video broadcast
PS: We have terminated our service agreement with both Des Murley and Craig Steyn, Deon Binneman we will handle OHS Rep, Fire and Fall Risk, we will appoint a new First Aid presenter who has live video presentation skills
Executive Briefings will also be done using the ZOOM live video presentation facility, all other courses will be converted on demand
OMG this is awesome… because I no longer have to drive to the clients premises in the traffic
Around the Country
– Baltie Erasmus is moving back to the ‘Jungle’, Neil Duncan holds the fort in the last outpost
– The plan of opening an office in Durban has been shelved, no longer a need
– We are closing our office in the Sanlamhof Building at this stage as our contract with Sanlam ends on 31 May 2020
– There is still a possibility that the contract may be extended, if it does the Agents will operate from home through Head Office like everyone else does nationally
– Lynn Nolan has resigned and leaves us at month end
– We had the opportunity to purchase our offices in Little Falls, however, COVID-19 changed our business modus operandi and our way of operating
– The property market value dropped, our new offer to purchase was declined so we reassessed and made the decision to give notice and move offices with money saving benefits
– We hold our last month end there on Friday 29 May 2020
– What now… even better news… we are moving in with Frogg Productions (the JV people) in Honeydew, they have the space, meeting room facilities and the video studio
– Everyone works from home without exception, meetings with Support Services take place in JHB once a week on a Monday and once a month at month end, why do we need to own offices that stand vacant most of the time?
– Communications infrastructure stays the same, everyone has Company cell phones and email addresses, we transfer and keep our Company incoming landline 011 675 1280 with a message service
– One central Head Office nationwide, greater control and efficiency
Electronic Media
All our business operations will become electronic, not much that hasn’t been converted at this stage
We recruited the service of Brian Binneman to work with Tamara and re develop our website, if you have seen it you will know how fantastic and efficient it is
All sorts of changes and most importantly various ways of getting prospects through call to action methods, Tamara maintains the content
Our Facebook has also been contracted out to Frogg Productions (the JV guys) who understand social media and will make this communication method work for us as ‘Connecting’ in this business world is critical
Exciting Times
Our methods may have changed but our values stay the same
– Honest
– Reliable
– Loyal
– Proud
– Diligent
I will remind everyone of our Vision at month end so that we are all together on the same mission, a self sustainable meaningful Occupational Health and Safety legal compliance service
Stay safe and stay healthy
Kind Regards,