Scott-Safe ⚖️ shout out 🎙 week 40 ☑️ You can count on 40, a period of testing and triumph 👊🏻 only number whose letters appear in alphabetical order, spaces on a monopoly board, number of weeks a human pregnancy lasts, hours in a standard work week, highest number ever counted to on Sesame Street, in Baseball the number of players allowed under Major League contract, days you must live amongst a people to understand them, the number of winks that make a perfect nap 😴 oh, and the then there’s Ali Baba, and how many thieves 😂 REMEMBER… it is what it is, accept it and move on 👊🏻 Hello October, breast cancer awareness month 💕 Month end and end of third quarter people, time to account for our actions 📊 Happy Birthday Christine, Jenni and Craig this week 🎉🎂 QUOTE ‘You can throw in the towel, or you can use it to wipe the sweat off your face and keep going’ (choose) 💪 Make a positive difference daily, you know I will 👍 Hamba Kahle 🖐 regards Rodney