Shout Out – Week 39
Scott-Safe ⚖️ shout out 🎙 week 39 ☑️ 39 symbolizes improvement to humankind 😉 39, the number of days survivor competitors compete, famous pier in San Francisco, the number of boards a bowling lane has, Japanese internet chat slang for ‘thank you’, the number of people that signed the US Constitution, famous book, yes, the 39 Steps 😆 REMEMBER… set your goal and keep moving forward 👊🏻 Special Happy Birthday to Petricia, 70 on Friday, have a great day 🎂🎉 QUOTE ‘You don’t close a sale, you open a relationship: business is all about relationships, how well you build them determines how well they build your business’ 💪 Make a positive difference daily, you know I will 👍 Hamba Kahle 🖐 regards Rodney