Shout Out – Week 6
Scott-Safe ⚖️ shout out 📢 week 6 ☑️ The number 6, symbol of completeness 6️⃣ perfect number, can be divided by 1,2 and 3 add them and you get 6 🤭 Quiz, how many legs on an insect, how many strings on a guitar, how many faces on a cube, how many holes in a flute, one fathom in feet, best number on a dice, Braille is made up of this many dots, and that ESP sense ?????? Yes, 6 🤭 let’s not forget 6 of the best (ouch) 🤣 not out the woods yet 😷 REMEMBER… conscience is a moral light that illuminates the good path 👊🏻 QUOTE ‘Loyalty isn’t grey, it’s black or white, you’re either loyal completely or not loyal at all’ 💪 congrats Zelda, 1 year with the Company already 🎉 Make a positive difference daily, you know I will 👍 Hamba Kahle 🖐 regards Rodney