Shout Out – Week 9
Scott-Safe ⚖️ shout out, week 9 ☑️ The number 9, emblem of completion 9️⃣ you ever been on cloud nine, covered the whole nine yards or been dressed to the nines 😱 Quiz time, how many Beethoven symphonies, lives of a cat, months in pregnancy, letters in the ninth month, hours after sunrise is noon ?? Yes, 9 🤭 Also last single digit always followed by 1 and of course a stitch in time saves nine so ‘do it now’ 😉 REMEMBER… a good beginning leads towards a good ending 👊🏻 QUOTE ‘Stay committed to your decisions, but stay flexible in your approach’ 💪 Month end week people, time to account for your actions 📊 February was short but sweet ❤️Now, step into your power 👊🏻 Happy Birthday Matt for the 28th 🎉🎂 Make a positive difference daily, you know I will 👍 Hamba Kahle 🖐 regards Rodney